Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blogging Under the Influence

When I logged in yesterday to post a new entry, I saw a draft of an unposted entry titled BUI. "Bui?" I asked myself. What the hell is bui? And then I noticed the date of the draft. And day. Friday. Uh-oh.

There is a trend developing around Friday nights here. A trend that over the last three weeks has seen me exercise something less than moderation where my alcoholic intake is concerned. I blame the French, birthdays, and Chinese restaurants. When we got home after last Friday night's overindulgence, I decided to check my e-mail, and then I posted some obnoxious comments on friends' blogs (sorry!) blathering on about whiskey sours and my "mad backspacing skillz." Seems I was very proud of my ability to correct all the typos I had initially made in the comments.

A short time later, while I was lying in bed singing "It Sucks to Be Me" at the top of my voice, I paused to try to remember the lyrics and heard Jason snoring. How dare he! And how did he manage? I was pretty freakin' loud. I, of course, took umbrage at this critique and made the logical decision to come downstairs and blog about it. I sat down at the computer, decided that wasn't comfortable, dragged the laptop over to the guest bed, pulled back the comforter and shower curtain (to try to keep the cat hair on the sheets to a minimum), climbed into bed (pulling both the comforter and shower curtain back up over me), and proceeded to type this:
so, i odn't erally remember what i had to say her but ia'm sure it ahdd saomthhing to do with my hadusbadn falling amslepp while ai was singing the openingn nibmber of avenue qu
Wow. Apparently, those mad backspacing skillz deteriorated a bit over the course of the twenty or so minutes that followed my claiming them. I recall squinting at this gibberish, realizing it was worse than I felt like dealing with, shutting down the computer, placing it beside my head (where the other pillow would have been if I hadn't been Bogarting both of them), and drifting off to sleep. What I didn't count on was the autosave feature recording the exact composition of the drunken typo-fest. So there you have it—BUI, in all its glory.


Ms. Conduct said...

Awesome! I promise to drunk comment you sometime. :)

Anonymous said...

Doooode. Back away from the cocktails while typing. Or back away from the keyboard while cocktailing. Either/or.