So I'm in Fred Meyer this morning, browsing for shirts because all of a sudden mine are all too BIG. Ain't it grand? : D Anyway, an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, "Attention all employees. Today is Norma Whosit's* birthday. Please be sure and wish Norma a happy birthday when you see her. Also, there is cake available in the breakroom if any employees want some."
Que? Did I just hear you correctly? Did you just taunt me with cake? Did you just announce to your customers that there is free cake in the store and that they are not allowed to have any? Let me see if I can translate this into a language we can all understand. That would be, "Nyah, nyah, we have cake and you can't have any!" I was so gobsmacked by this that I didn't even think to stomp my feet and burst into tears, which is the only rational reaction one could expect to have to that message.
Fredje**, darling, it's not nice to taunt.
*Name changed so as not to tax my memory.
**Belgian diminutive, means Freddy. You learned something today, now didn't you?
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